
Thanks Laura - we need all the allies that we can find and happy to find that he is saying sensible stuff - have a great Christmas.

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When you finished it- let me know what you make of it.

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Yes they are probably not even libera!

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This helps to explain why the Liberal Democrats are neither liberal (in the classical sense) nor democratic.

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First to Frank Furedi: Thank you very much for this Christmas present. Wishing you the best in this season.

I think that there is (in the U.K.) at least one Liberal Democrat who understands, Maajid Nawaz.

I don't think that this denial of rationality is an unfortunate error we just slipped into. I think we got pushed, by people who want to go back to pre-Enightenment values, where truth is irrelevant to power -- because:

“When there is no such thing as truth, you can’t define reality. And when you can’t define reality, the only thing that matters is power.” — Maajid Nawaz

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This is wonderful! It helps make sense of so much nonsense that I perceive around me. I've downloaded the pdf and had an initial read through. I now look forward to going through it again to absorb more detail. Thank you, it's a great Christmas present.

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