
Language is a huge issue - talking control of our language a big challenge for us.

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Yes- the meaning of many words has mutated into something that bears little relationship to its original meaning

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May 27·edited May 27

Misusing, or changing the meaning of emotion riven words such as genocide is one example of the Marxist strategy of controlling language to control the masses. Just as with a sampling of others such as “racist”, “science denier”, “white nationalist”, “populist”, “extreme right wing”, “Christian extremism”, xenophobic”, “white privilege”, “anti vaxxer”, “misogynist”, islamophobia, homophobia, “transphobia ”, safe and effective, and the big ones “vaccine”, “pandemic” and “trust me”. They all serve to achieve the ideological agenda and are all egregious LIES. Just one fascist strategy in the Marxist tool box along with many others such as control the media, the money, the justice system, the elections, the health industry, the military, academia, firearms, immigration, the food and water supply; and the war making. Took these communists decades and now they are almost completely in control. That which they can never control, and why these evil ideologies always fail after causing great misery, are natural earth forces, basic human nature and God.

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I first became aware of the concept creep of genocide in looking to one of our so-called quality dictionaries for backup in proving that some violent incident (I forget where but Israel was doubtless involved) did not constitute genocide - only to find in there a definition so elastic that the term could be applied to virtually anything. Genocide is of course not the only word this has happened to - compare and contrast e.g. "racism" in e.g. the Oxford dictionary today and 30 years ago.

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Excellent article, thank you Frank.

The world seems to get more morally rudderless the further we progress into the 21st century.

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