It is a shame that the EU has gone so much beyond the common market/ and free movement of people ideal. It lost sight of the importance of national sovereignty and indeed got to the point where it regards any form of national affiliation and identification as a barrier to overcome. The challenge we face is how to contain and undermine the current drive towards what Eurocrats call 'More Europe'.

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Thought provoking piece. What would the world / Europe be like if the consolidation of sovereign European nations had stopped at say the common market stage?

If the EU project continues along its current glide path, what will become of Europe’s languages, cultures, and national identities? I think this is a good time for the peoples of Europe (not just the EU elites) to stop and think about where they are going (and why).

The dynamic tension and competitiveness was a key part, along with the enlightenment culture, that lead to Europe dominating the world. Is what Europe has gained from central governance worth what it is continually losing? There is more to life than a sounder currency and a higher average standard of living, especially when the main beneficiaries are a ruling elite. We need to recognize a possible cause and effect relationship between past EU policies, and the reality of what Europe is now, and will become, because of those policies.

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