Islam is a colonising force. It does not separate religion from state. You cannot give it freedom to worship without jeopardising our governance. Appeasement does not eradicate the threat, it kicks it down the road. We are in the process of surrendering our country. Starmer does not care, he doesn't believe in nation states.

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Haras Rafiq is plain lying when he says that Islamism is not Islam, and the proof is in Islamic scripture itself. Small wonder that infidels used to be prohibited from reading it.

And with people like him authoring Prevent it's bound to fail, which I would bet was his intention. If you listen to Winston Marshall's interview with Ibn Warraq you get an idea of what weasles these so-called moderate Muslims, Warraq uses Ed Hussain as an example, are.

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I find the distinction between ‘islamism’ and Islam to be academic. Islamism is caused by Islam or are the Islamists not true followers of Islam. In the same way I would say that violent far right so called Christians are not truly Christian because they deliberately distort Christianity.

I agree though that less focus on white so called extremists is just a feint of hand to distract us from the true purveyors of terror and violence are followers of Mohammed, Who was very violent and an unsavoury character.

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Islam is simply incompatible with western society. Letting them take over neighbourhood after neighbourhood has been naive & foolish beyond belief. It is not a religion of peace, regardless of how they spin it. Israel has been telling us for so long that they are just the first step, the West should have listened. Time to sort this crap out, urgently!!

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Erdogan said, in 2007, that the term 'Moderate Islam' is "ugly and offensive — Islam Is Islam" and the proportion of muslims in the UK who agree is, according to periodic attitude surveys, high (but can vary slightly with the issue of the day prompting these surveys). It shows that religious identity among muslims is perhaps one of the strongest in the UK.

It also shows that it is the UK's number one identity problem. While voting behaviour is a matter of volatile allegiances - many Labour voters supported Boris Johnson to 'get Brexit done' - apostasy is low and not least because apostates are physically intimidated. Religious solidarity is strong.

That many muslims are peaceful disguises the underlying dynamic of separateness and group polarisation that can occur as has been happening since at least 1984 (the Ray Honeyford affair in Bradford), the 1989 Rushdie affair, and the rape gangs for several decades. Like Catholics in Northern Ireland, when IRA murderers could shelter in Catholic areas among people who themselves might not commit murder, the identity polarisation means muslims tolerate and even defend their violent fringe. So it is with rape ganges who were (and are) tolerated by their fellow muslims within their communities.

Goverment has no answer to this beyond declaring Islam is a religion of peace after each Islamic incident of terrorism, in effect a plea to muslims not to rise up and a desperate attempt not have the failure of multiculturalism exposed. MI5 has more than a few mosques under surveillance and muslims are becoming ever more politically assertive as they occupy public spaces to pray in the open as they periodically now do in Trafalgar Square or before Parliament (despite there being some 400 mosques in London). It has led to Starmer making pledges to protect mosques and muslims, the pleas to muslims in effect to not rise up continue - please, please - and the next step in appeasement, government having no other strategy, will be some form of Islamaphobia legislation.

Except we can see with our own eyes that multiculturalism is failing. The Christian base to our civilisation has been so weakened that there is no identity for non-muslims to rally to. For us, it will be support for a political party only - if there ever is one that really understands the significance of the problem and has the courage and wit to work out a strategy to deal with it. There is no sign of that. Farage, for example, has repeatedly said that we would lose a religious war with Islam and so must not challenge muslims. A Reform government under him would deport a few criminals (if they get the legislation right with a clear majority in Parliament and don't hold your breath for that) but there is no strategy beyond that.

We have tiny parties like Homeland, Heritage and UKIP that are going nowwhere electorally. Our only hope perhaps is Trump, Orban, Le Pen, Weidel etc. Sweden and Denmark have woken up and we watch with interest. Getting rid of Labour is a necessary condition for saving the UK from its demographic destiny but I doubt it will be sufficient. The best I can see at present is to resolve to go down fighting at least.

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Let's not aim to go down fighting better to win. There is no such thing as a lost cause.

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Being a moderate Muslim is like being a moderate revolutionary Marxist.

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