Yes - Western civilization is a self correcting one!

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It is creepy AI!

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Very true Clay

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yes- definitely

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Interesting essay.

Also, I’ve recently read Rodney Stark’s - “How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity”.

Added insight into development of west.

Explaining that the religious orders of Middle Ages , Cistercian. Cluny, etc, etc., had deeper effect than commonly understood.

Real addition to historical understanding.

The modern determination to reject, abhor, hate, ignore all religious effects , all Christian- Jewish - biblical ideas as ever doing anything that changed any beneficial things, results in ignorance that can be destructive.



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I look forward to the further research which I hope will be shared on here.

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Perennially relevant point, and it cuts to what is at the heart of the problem of our elites. Their non judgementalism is so corrosive of the historical legacy of past achievements that it becomes a way of attacking benefits we enjoy in contemporary society: this seems to be very tangible in the re interpretation of the industrial revolution as the original sin of the UK, with reparations and de growth in the West as the means of atonement. The point, as you so rightly note about Western Civilization's capacity to correct its mistakes is for me its fundamental benefit, and it rests on the freedom of that society both intellectual and institutional. It seems these twin freedoms are under attack in a range of ways.

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Before I start reading this - that 'painting', is it real? It seems creepy AI to me...

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