Brilliant call to arms! A defence of our civilisation, our cultural heritage is so clearly needed.

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"...the changing forms of the consciousness of civilization." are affected, I suggest, by not just how history is taught but by whether it is uniformly taught to contruct a national story. In the UK history is viewed and taught differently in the four nations. Devolution altered and weakened a national story and that weakness has been exploited by the nihilists and 'critical theorists'. What happened in our schools mattered as does what is about to happen under Labour's review of the education syllabus. We should be very worried.

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Agreed but the rot started in the 1980s when the Education Secretary, Keith Joseph, failed to stand up to the Marxists taking over the Dept. of Education.

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"the main driver of Western society’s alienation from its civilizational accomplishment is the ascendancy of a negative representation of the act of judgment." This is at origin an American specificity. I remember a time when the French were very judgmental and proud of it. Now, they too have been Americanized. Americans try very hard to be non-judgmental because they expand the concept of "democracy" from the realm of the political to that of the mind and want to treat everyone the same--to be judgmental would mean "discriminating" (against them). I can't forget how once an opera singer tried to convince me that everyone can be a great singer if they want to--she had a great voice, I sang like metal screeching metal, yet she made that point against all evidence because she felt that it was the "progressive" (equalitarian, democratic) way of behaving. It is also a form of nihilism (which ignores itself)--when everything has the same value, nothing is worth anything any more.

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The left are often accused of inconsistency, when first they claim that all civilisations are equally valid, none is better than any other, and then they immediately condemn western civilisation as being worse than any other. This of course demonstrates that there is no attempt at any type of academic analysis here, it is simply a cultural war where any weapon will do that demoralises the enemy.

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"The synthesis of non-judgmentalism and identity politics became a driver for a discourse that was not merely anti-western but also anti-civilizational." This is a great association--I mean associating non-judgmentalism and identity politics and seeing in their synthesis the driver for this movement. Great point! (But here again, this movement is American at origin. My own theory is that, at an unconscious level, this is America's way of destroying its own origin, which is Europe. After all, whenever these people talk about "the West," what they are referring to is European traditions and values of old Europe.)

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Bravo! Agreed!

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